The lack of reliable market information is a key challenge for exporters. The resources listed here are intended to help exporting companies from our partner countries (and beyond) to gain better access to product-quality related market and trade information and thus facilitate their access to international markets.
Understanding sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements for exports to the EU market.
The SPS studies help you understand, which sanitary and phytosanitary measures you have to adhere to in your specific situation, in order to export to the European market. The studies focus on the international standards established under the SPS Agreement.
Publication series: Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures
An overview of quality requirements and information on trade.
The Alliance for Product Quality in Africa has compiled a selection of market information and tools, including an overview of the following topics:
- Standards for environmental protection, workers' and labor rights, economic development, quality and food safety, and business ethics;
- Tariff rates, including MFN tariffs and unilateral and trade preferences;
- access to one of the largest trade databases in the world.
In 2014, the European Commission initiated an update of its regulatory framework regarding organic production, which came into force on January 1st, 2022.
Two handbooks in English and French provide an overview of the changes in Regulation 2018/848 . There are changes especially for organic producers, processors and traders in countries outside the European Union.
Training material:
new EU organic regulation
Further projects
The soybean sector is one of the fastest growing agricultural sectors in BeninSoy contributes in several ways to the economy, especially in rural areas, and to the livelihood of the population. Local soy processing is mainly carried out by women. Many products made from soybeans are an important part of the diet of the Beninese population (e.g. soy cheese, milk, yoghurt, flour and biscuits).
The measure Strengthening the Quality Infrastructure for the Soy Value Chain of the Trade for Development Fund (T4D Fund) - a joint implementation with PTB (the German metrology institute) which works directly with the actors of the quality infrastructure such as analysis laboratories - improved the conditions for access to certified soybean seeds and the knowledge of soybean growers and processors about the quality of their products.
The video shows the challenges and the implementation as well as results of the project.