Our projects

High-quality organic products from the birthplace of coffee
Äthiopien, die Wiege des Kaffees, ist in der ganzen Welt für seine Vielfalt an Kaffeebohnen bekannt. Kaffee ist im ganzen Land in verschiedenen Regionen zu

Ethiopia on the road to a green textile sector
Stakeholder erarbeiten Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Qualitätsinfrastruktur für ökologische Baumwolle Als landwirtschaftlich geprägtes Land ist Äthiopien besonders für den Export von Kaffee, Tee und Gewürzen

Quality Champions: Leveraging Export Potential in Ethiopia
Coffee, textiles and spices from Ethiopia have high export potential. However, limited knowledge of quality management processes often hinders local businesses’ access to international markets. The Quality Champions Programme creates a cadre of professionals capable of helping businesses improve the quality of their products and services to achieve market success.
Côte d'Ivoire

New business relationship thanks to organic certification
Die ivorische Kooperative COPAVGON konnte eine neue Handelsbeziehung mit dem schweizerischen Handelsunternehmen Cocoa Source aufbauen. Die Grundlage für die neue Zusammenarbeit ist eine Bio-Zertifizierung.

Audrey: More jobs in chocolate production through certifications
Fairafric Ghana Limited, a subsidiary of fairafric AG in Germany, is a freezones enterprise and limited liability company registered in Ghana and situated in Amanase near Suhum. Fairafric Ghana produces organic chocolates in Ghana since its registration in 2019.

Comfort: A new page in the life of ‘Ele Agbe Company Limited’, thanks to a quality certification
Die ghanaische Unternehmerin Comfort Adjahoe-Jennings gründete das Unternehmen Ele Agbe Company Limited im Jahr 1996. Zu Beginn verkaufte sie in einem kleinen Geschäft Schmuck aus

Certification of fruit exporters in Ghana
Wir unterstützen ghanaische Fruchtexporteure bei der Einhaltung von internationalen Qualitätsanforderungen – so können sie internationale Märkte erschließen.

Building expertise for better quality – Textile Sector in Ghana
European and American garment manufacturers and retailers are increasingly interested in exploring the establishment of new factories to provide alternative sustainable sourcing options. Currently, the textile and apparel sector in Ghana faces massive challenges and struggles to meet the requirements of international buyers. Quality requirements are often not fully understood or don’t meet customers’ demands. We support the companies and their personnel to comply with quality requirements of international buyers.

Karongi Tea Factory – a success story for quality made in Rwanda
The Alliance for Product Quality in Africa, Invest for Jobs and the Business Scouts for Development support tea producers in Rwanda to improve the quality of their products and obtain the quality certificates required for international export. One of these companies is Karongi Tea Factory, located in the Western part of Rwanda.

Quality made in Rwanda: Tea and coffee producers tap into lucrative niche markets
Coffee and tea are agricultural export hits from Rwanda. In order to achieve competitiveness on international markets, the products must meet high quality standards, that must be verifiable. Our goal is to make Rwandan enterprises export-ready and to support them in building long-term trade relations.

Made in Senegal: How Rabalma sets standards for green and fair textile production
Baumwolle und Textilien sind wichtige Exportgüter für die senegalesische Volkswirtschaft, sehen sich jedoch verschiedenen Herausforderungen gegenüber. So bedrohen einerseits der Klimawandel und die damit einhergehenden

Assessing the state of the national quality infrastructure
The national quality infrastructure of our partner countries is at a different stage. In order to ensure that our support remains as demand-oriented as possible, the ‘Alliance for Product Quality in Africa’ applies a tool developed by PTB and the World Bank so as to record the state of the various national QI systems.